Applying for online courses is an exciting time. In the excitement, you may overlook some important aspects that insure your distance education is legitimate. There are many schools and organizations, while perfectly acceptable to some, are not acceptable to others. There are a few things to check on before you apply for any course online.
Make sure that any school or organization you apply to is accredited. There is a variety of accrediting agencies floating around on the internet. Some schools claim to be accredited by agencies that focus solely on distance education. Others claim to be state certified or registered. Still, others claim to be accredited by some international accrediting agency accepted worldwide. These agencies sound professional and legitimate to unsuspecting students eager to begin online courses.
However, to reputable institutions and some employers, these agencies are not anything but a name. When applying, make sure the school is regionally accredited. If the school is foreign, double check that their accreditation standards would be recognized in the country you live in as legitimate and reputable.
Reevaluate whether to apply to...