What To Do When After Winning A Bid And Then Changing Your Mind?
As the old adage goes, nobody’s perfect. There are things in this life that people do on one instance only to change his or her mind after a few minutes or so.
On eBay, there are instances wherein online shoppers or bidders may find retracting a bid inevitable due to some unforeseen circumstances. Others find it tricky and sellers may find it maddening. But whatever the point is, buyers may still retract their bids even if they won the item.
As much as the seller would be professional about the matter, buyers should also, by all means, do the most civilized thing to do – inform the seller about the reason why he or she would not push through with the sale.
However, buyers may also do this legally, that is in accordance to the eBay policies. Buyers may declare a “clear error” especially when there were things done inadvertently. For example, the bidder mistakenly typed $100 instead of $10.
When things like these happened, the buyer has to make appropriate actions at once. All they have to do is to tick the “Services” link situated on top of...