Although Havasu is a popular hiking destination and pictures of the falls can be found everywhere, there is surprisingly little information available about how to plan a hiking trip. Perhaps this is because the people who have grown up around Havasu take for granted the basic questions that hikers unfamiliar with the area would have; such as how difficult is the hike, where can drinking water be found, and are toilets available? This article provides answers to these questions and more.
1. Reservations
Reservations are required in order to hike to the falls. This web site also provides information about current rates for camp sites, horse rental, and helicopter
rides as well as directions to get to the trail head. Dont expect to make reservations at the last minute because the lines at the tourist office are often busy.
2. Hotels near Havasu
Since the Havasu village is eight miles down the trail and the temperature can be quite hot, many people like to spend the night in a hotel and then get an early morning start. Inexpensive hotels can be found in Seligman, and along Route 66. There will be about two hours of driving time from...