Local car auction venues are usually smaller than the national ones. They are also restricted to the area where they are held.
A local car auction might be a great place to find a great car bargain. Sometimes the number of the cars advertised there is not that huge but on the other hand this doesnt mean your future car is not there. In addition, if you are looking for something specific there might be no competition at all.
Another serious advantage is that there might be a smaller amount of people visiting a local car auction. This means that the competition will be smaller and you might be abelt to buy a car at a great price.
To get an idea where and when local car auction events are held, just check the local newspapers. There should be detailed information listed. Some specialized vehicle newspapers and magazines might even publish the list vehicles that will be auctioned so you can see if there is point in going at the local car auction or not.
In any case, it is good if you can bring a mechanic with you so that he can check the car before you bid for it. You should also check the cars history and documents. Performing this check will save you...