Look! You are going to steal any timeshare you buy on the resale market anyway. The resale market is just starting to come into it’s own. Prices fall in a market vacuum and there has been a market vacuum in resales since the timeshare industry started twenty-five years ago. Now, people such as us are starting to make a serious business of resales. This means that the least expensive weeks are going to get sold first. Like harvesting apples, you shake the tree and pick up the apples. The next time you have to shake the tree harder. The long-term prognosis is that resale timeshares will increase in price. I believe that anyone buying a resale in today’s market just isn’t going to get hurt unless they are entirely unknowledgeable about current market value or they are not looking for good product. At these prices, buy the best! It’s affordable.
So how do you find out what you should pay for a given property? This publication is certainly a good start, but not everyone advertising has a realistic idea of what their property is worth. The Internet also lists weeks for sale, but it is still young, therefore imperfect. The resort itself should yield...