What to Look for in an Effective Heroin Treatment Program
Trying to find a heroin treatment program can be one of the most disconcerting pastimes. There are so many from which to choose. All you have to do is Google the term “heroin addiction” and you will be presented with more than 10 million options. So, where do you start?
Your choices include medical rehab, psychiatric/psychological counseling and any other option that falls between these two divergent options. One handles the physical and the other handles the mental.
The biggest problem with the medical route is that, in most case, methadone or some other drug is used to get an addict off heroin. It has been found, however, that methadone and these other drugs can be far more addictive and much more difficult to “give up”. Besides the obvious negative in using methadone as a solution for heroin treatment, what about the mental aspects of the addiction?
That’s the other side of the coin – handling the mental aspect. By the time heroin addiction is entrenched in the addict, he has become physically and mentally dependent on it.
Great, but with so many...