We all know the danger and hazards smoking can cause to our health. Its detrimental effects to our respiratory and cardiovascular system are being taught in schools, discussed in the media, and even condemned in churches. Indeed, there is no argument about it. Cigarette smoking leads to a lot of troubles in the end for smokers than the satisfaction and pleasure they derived from it.
Why People Smoke Cigarettes
According to Ernest Dichter, author of The Psychology of Everyday Living, smoking is as much a psychological pleasure as it is a physiological satisfaction. People reasoned that they are after the sense of satisfaction they get from a cigarette that they can’t get from anything else.
He believes that the nature of this psychological pleasure can be traced to the universal desire for self-expression. None of us ever completely outgrows his childhood. We are constantly hunting for the carefree enjoyment we knew as children. As we grew older, we had to subordinate our pleasures to work and to the necessity for unceasing effort. Smoking, for many of us, then, became a substitute for our early habit of following the whims of the moment; it becomes...