What You Can Do To Make Your Holidays More Meaningful
This Holiday Season should be the most meaningful and fulfilling time of year. We should feel warm, loved, and above all, be happy.
But studies show year after year that isn’t always the case. While millions of people enjoy the holidays, many more start feeling down in the dumps. Why? There are several good reasons.
The Christmas season in the United States became commercialized about 150 years ago when large stores realized they could pull customers in with big Christmas specials. Buying and giving gifts became a huge part of Christmas.
All the gift buying could be your favorite part of the season, but a growing number of us report we spend too much, go into more debt, and don’t feel all that great about it afterward.
By January 1, you may feel like lots of good things were SUPPOSED to happen to you, but never did. The result can be an unpleasant case of the winter blues.
Through all the hubub, you can forget the season is REALLY supposed to be about loving and helping others. A clergy person and charities will probably remind you loving others is what the holidays are...