What You Must Know In Order To Succeed In Your Network Marketing Business
There are many reasons why people fail in network marketing.
However, instead of looking into each of these causes, the purpose of this article is to explain what people MUST know when they start their network marketing business so that they will have a better chance to succeed.
This is what you must know in order to succeed in your network marketing business:
1) What is your “job” scope?
2) What is expected of you in your “job”?
3) What you should expect in your “job”?
Network marketing is a business and not a job! In fact, in the network marketing or MLM circle, the acronym J.O.B. stands for:
– Just Obey Boss (Work on a job and take orders from the boss.)
– Just Over Broke (Work on a job, get paid, and after you pay all your bills, you’ll be just over broke.)
– Journey Of the Broke (Work on a job and you’ll likely end up broke after working their whole life!)
– Jump Out of Bed (Hit the alarm clock and jump out of bed each morning to get yourself ready for...