There are many reasons that you might be thinking of acquiring an 0800 number, but how much do you really know about them? Many small businesses have taken advantage of what this resource has to offer, but what do you know on how an 0800 number relates to you? Before you decide on whether having one of these numbers is right for you, there a few things that you should be aware of regarding in this institution.
First and most basically, an 0800 number allows your customers or contractors to call you without being charged. Instead, you will be charged for each call you receive, but typically the amount of money spent is fairly conservative. When a person dials in to an 0800 number, they are dialing in to a business or a personal line that you have designated. The phone line that you use to receive the call does not necessarily have to be dedicated to this use; the phone can simply be a standard phone that you use to make calls. You can even have 0800 numbers routed to a mobile phone if necessary. Due to this, home businesses have profited from the prevalence of these numbers. As you can see, with these benefits in mind, it is clear why 0800 numbers are considered easy and...