What You Need To Know About Applying For An International Student Loan
Before you get all excited about the thought of obtaining an international student loan so that you can attend college at some exotic university in Beijing or Paris, hang onto your laptop. There are rules and regulations when it comes to these types of loans, and they are also extremely difficult to obtain. However, for the determined and the focused, there are ways to achieve the seemingly impossible. First, know the rules and regulations, and there’s a ton of them.
First, in order to obtain an international student loan, you must be enrolled, or in the process of enrolling, at a foreign university or college program that is approved by the Education Resources Institute. Log onto their website for additional information that pertains to your needs. Then, keep in mind that you must be a United States citizen in order to have your application even accepted, let alone approved. And if you thought there was a lot of paperwork for your typical neighborhood college or university, just wait until you get the packet of paperwork for this type of student loan!
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