Chances are if youve taken out student loans in order to finance your education you have been, or at least will be, receiving calls and offers in the mail to consolidate your student loans. There are actually numerous advantages to consolidating your student loans. In addition to gaining a fixed interest rate you can also potentially lower your monthly payments. In the event that you begin to experience financial difficulties, you may also be able to take advantage of flexible payment options with a consolidated student loan.
Unlike other types of debt consolidation programs a student loan consolidation gives you the opportunity to combine your loans into one package with more attractive terms. You also dont have to worry about being turned down because of a bad credit score and the interest on the loan may be tax deductible. In addition, in the event of your death your survivors wont have to worry about paying it back because the debt will be discharged.
If you have a variable interest rate student loan, consolidating the loan can also help you to lock in a lower rate before the rates increase the next year. Over the length of the loan, this one step can...