What You Need To Know About Sleep Apnea & Snoring
The sound of snoring is caused by the airways in your nose and throat being partially or completely blocked. It causes problems for both the snorer and anyone who sleeps with or near them.
Sleep apnea is a more serious condition that occurs when the air blockage causes you to stop breathing at least 5 times an hour, for over 10 seconds each time. Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition that can ultimately lead to death.
If you’re suspected of suffering from sleep apnea, your doctor will arrange for you to have your nose and throat examined to find any obvious causes of obstruction. This could include an anatomical abnormality or nasal polyps. The exam is handled with either an endoscopic exam or a CT scan.
After the initial diagnosis is done you’ll be sent to a sleep lab where you will undergo a study of your sleeping patterns.
A sleep study monitors your body while you sleep. Some of the measurements that will be tracked include:
– blood oxygen levels
– blood pressure
– heart rate
– airflow
– chest & diaphragm...