Credit cards are one way that you can begin to build credit. Credit cards are one way to build your financial future but they are only one possible solution to this. Credit cards are often a double-edged sword and this article will give you some pointers on what you should avoid with student credit cards.
The first key on what you should avoid with student credit cards is to not sign up with the on-campus teams who often show up. When choosing a credit card, you want a company who you have done business with or your parents have done business with. If you have any problems with your credit card, you want to have confidence that your issue can be handled in an efficient manner. With on-campus credit cards, how can you be sure that you will get a satisfactory response? The one exception is if a bank comes to your school. You may want to have your credit card through your bank because you have the opportunity to talk with a banker about your credit card in person. This may be a great option if you do not want impersonal service and having to dial a 1-800 number every time you have an issue.
The second key is to look for a card with low fees or no fees whatsoever....