Some of the things that you should know about airline miles credit cards may be a little surprising and they may not be to you. One thing that you should know about the airline miles credit cards is that you are going to more than likely need to pay an annual fee to receive the airline miles credit cards. There may be some credit card companies that will not charge you the annual fee if you are using your credit card to purchase your airline tickets.
One of the disadvantages of the airline miles credit cards is that if you do not use your credit cards often it could take you a couple of years to acquire enough points to be able to take a trip with your airline rewards. When it comes down to it you can actually purchase an airline ticket more than once before you actually have enough airline miles so that you are able to take a trip with your miles. There are a few other things that you are going to want to make sure that you are checking out as well with the airline miles credit cards. You should know if there are any seating restrictions, expiration dates, or any black outs that will be assessed to any airline rewards credit card you may choose.
One of the...