Health Risks in Using Your Shampoo
Anyone who bathes and wants their hair cleaned uses shampoo. Some shampoos promise your long flowing hair while others make sure that your hair is glowing. These are wonderful sales talk and most people are vain enough to be drawn into it. However, only a few people know that these shampoos have ingredients that are risking their very health every time they use it.
Most people do not look at the back of ones shampoo where all different kinds of ingredients are listed.
There is various research that has shown that your everyday shampoo have various chemicals in them that could cause serious risks in your health, such as memory loss, eye irritation, skin irritation, hair loss and even cancer.
Here are the most common ingredients of a shampoo that can give you health risks and what those health risks are:
1. Fragrances used in shampoo contain a number of chemicals and most of them cause headaches and rashes. Some can even induce coughing and vomiting to a person.
2. Propylene glycol causes allergies. This ingredient can also be found in your everyday toothpaste.
3. Sodium lauryl sulfate can cause...