So, you have decided you need a credit card. However, you must remember that not all credit cards are created equally. Your friend’s credit card doesn’t mean that it is also the best for you. Before going to this bank and get its credit card, you must consider the several factors that you should take into consideration when deciding which credit card you want to get.
Some of those factors include:
o Interest rate. When you are the type of person that pays off your balance monthly, you would probably disregard the interest rate. Unfortunately, most people are having problems keeping with their credit card balance. Most people do carry a balance in their credit cards. If you sometimes late paying and carrying a balance, then it would be the best decision to have a credit card with a low interest rate. Having a card with a low interest rate save you a lot of money. You might disregard the difference between a 10 percent and 20 percent interest rate, but the difference could be significant if you have balances for a long period of time. Major credit card companies like Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and AMEX, have low interest versions of their credit card....