Many coaches use the wheel of life, some know HOW to use the information and some dont.
Are your needs been met by being asked to complete the wheel of life?
What information does the wheel of life hold?
Well you can answer the first, and I guess you may not know if the wheel has actually helped.
Just because you score low on a wheel of life in a particular area doesnt mean that that area is to be worked on immediately. Yes it may need work however what reason have you been given as to WHY?
The answer is in the calculation required to properly evaluate the areas that need immediate attention.
It is recommended that the wheel of life be completed at least twice in one 12-month period, more if required. However the areas covered in the WoL are not trivial they cover the 8 major areas of all our lives, because this is the case it may take more than a few weeks to make any significant changes, requiring multiple stabs at the wheel.
Here is the correct way to use the wheel of life and calculate the average of your scores. In doing this you will be highlighting what areas on the wheel you need to concentrate on first.
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