When a handshake is not enough: why you need a Partnership Agreement
If you set up in business with one or more other people but do not wish to set up a limited company, a partnership arrangement will be deemed to exist at law without the need for a formal contract. However, whilst a written partnership agreement is not required to form a partnership, if you wish to avoid uncertainty and the automatic application of potentially unsuitable statutory law, a formal agreement is a wise investment.
What happens if we dont sign a Partnership Agreement?
In the absence of a written agreement, the provisions of the 1890 Partnership Act will apply. In essence, these state that all the partners are equal and share profits, losses, start-up and running costs as well as the workload equally. Whilst the provisions are intended to provide an equitable framework for running your business, in reality, there are significant implications. For example;
– all partners will be entitled to share the profits equally regardless of how much capital, effort or skill they bring into the business
– any partner can bring the partnership to an end just by giving...