Bird allergy is a normal reaction of your bodys immune system to the feather dander, or more popularly known as feather dust, and droppings or fecal matter coming out of birds.
People who work closely with birds and those who take care of birds as pets are the most at risk to develop bird allergy. Farm workers, bird fanciers and zookeepers are the most common bird allergy patients in hospitals in the US alone.
However, medical statistics reveal that globally, the ratio of people allergic to birds are far lower compared to those allergic to other animals like dogs and cats.
Be also aware that bird allergy is an allergic reaction that indicates the immune systems efforts to defend you from what it senses or perceives as a health threat. In reality, bird allergy should not be considered as a harmful or deadly disease. Take note that complications to bird allergy kill, not the bird allergy itself.
During the process of an on set of bird allergy, the feather dust becomes an allergen that is not wanted by the bodys system. When it manages to make a contact with your body, it will automatically trigger or cause the immune system to retaliate and produce...