By using MMA Training gear, you will find that your body is more protected and better toned to withstand those nasty chops and painful blocks. You need to look into the training devices and accessories that you can get from MMA Training. One piece of equipment is the wooden dummy; with the Dummy you can train without a live person, teach you to hold the proper positions for a better attack. It also helps you to be able to withstand an attack by pre-training your body to withstand the blows. You will also have a better position in your fighting stance.
You will learn counter attacking, attacking, and to attack with more than just your hand but your hand and say foot. It also trains your footwork, your kicking, shows you how some reactions will get you opposite reactions. You will find your balance improved and your speed even greater.
Now, for those times when your toes go I have had enough. There are shoes designed to protect your foot and, specifically, your toes. These shoes are called grappling shoes or better known as sparring shoes. These shoes will keep you from ending up like that guy with the broken bones in his foot, or the other guy with mangled toes,...