If you don’t have a credit card or have one that you don’t use very much, you may be asking yourself: “why do I even need a credit card?” Many people are sceptical about the need to have a credit card, even though so many others have more than one. If you are not sure whether credit cards are really necessary, then here is some advice to help you to decide if you need a credit card or not.
Do I need a card?
The first thing you should ask yourself is whether or not you really need a credit card. If you have managed perfectly well for years without a credit card, and your situation hasn’t changed, then perhaps you don’t need a card. If you have money saved then you don’t need a card for emergencies, and there is no need to pay fees and interest if you can live comfortably the way you do now. However, if you find that you are unable to buy large items that you need because you cannot afford to buy them in one go, then you should look at getting a credit card.
Credit history
Although you might not need to spend on a credit card because you are perfectly fine with cash or a debit card, not having a credit card can...