When Payday Seems A Long Day Off Think Payday Loan
Most of us will have experienced that sinking feeling when we’re hit with an unexpected bill which has to be paid straight away just when the bank account is looking a bit thin.
In the old days before electronic payment of salaries and wages you might be able to ask your boss for an advance to tide you over to payday. The loan would be deducted from your next pay packet and the problem would be solved.
But for many of us that option no longer exists. Unfortunately the everyday disasters such as the car needing to be repaired so you can get to work or your children needing new school uniforms immediately still happens.
So what are your options if you need cash in a hurry and can’t wait till payday?
Your loan choices
One solution on offer is a payday loan which is a very short term loan (usually to you next pay day or the one after). You can normally apply online and if you meet the criteria you can have the cash in your account that day. In a minority of cases it can take 48 hours for the money to be in your account but generally it is within 24 hours.
All you need is...