When Pregnancy Doesn’t Happen At The Drop Of The Hat
Some women get pregnant so easily that even before facing the altar, the bride is already infanticipating. However, when a newly-wed bride doesn’t show signs of a growing tummy due to pregnancy after nine months or less, people start to speculate and wonder why. This may bring concern to the newly-wed couple, especially when after getting fertility tests, doctors may not find anything wrong with any of them.
Difficulty in the process of getting pregnant can be a source of anxiety for healthy couples experiencing delays in conception. And when the reason for the delay is unknown, such feelings of anxiety can become even more aggravated. Unexplained infertility can be a frustrating diagnosis but it doesn’t necessarily mean that there is no longer a possibility of getting pregnant. Though the diagnosis is quite vague, there are still other options available that can help increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Unexplained infertility is more of a situation rather than a condition. A fertility specialist or health care provider may not be able to find a medical explanation as to...