Many people living in the United States are in psychotherapy to seek counseling for problems encountered in their lives. Psychotherapy is a method of interpersonal and relational intervention used by psychotherapists in helping people deal with their problems in life. During the process, the client usually develops a special bond with the therapist, a relationship based on trust and understanding because sensitive topics are usually discussed during sessions.
This special relationship between a client and a therapist, however, sometimes lead to emotional dependency either by the client towards the therapist, and/or vice versa. There are cases that both parties involved become mutually entangled with each others problems and lives that sometimes breaking up with a lover or spouse seem easier than ending a relationship with your psychotherapist.Even without emotional dependency involved, some clients still find it difficult to break away from the therapy because the therapist would advise them not to discontinue the treatment.
One writer recently tried and found it surprisingly difficult to end a treatment that began with a simple case of writers block that...