Many people who have never had a card before or who have a poor credit history can find it hard to get themselves a credit card. Even if you have a good job and a mortgage, if you have had problems in the past or no card previously, you might be turned down. If this is the case then there are alternatives open to you, such as getting a secured credit card. If you want to know more about getting a secured credit card, then here is some advice about secured cards and how they can benefit you.
What is a secured card?
A secured card is a card whereby you tie up a monetary deposit in a bank in order to get a credit card. Your credit limit is then 100-150% of this amount. There are no credit checks necessary for secured cards, and the more money you can tie up then the higher your limit will be. The amount that you tie up will earn interest, but you cannot use the amount at all whilst you are using the card.
Why get a secured card?
Of course, the main reason why people get a secured card is because they cannot get hold of a regular credit card. Secured cards give people with poor or no credit history the chance to build up a good credit record by spending...