Free fonts are amongst the most popular downloads for entry level and professional graphic designers and typographers. They can provide a way for designers to express themselves uniquely without having to create a new font themselves or spend a lot of money purchasing a high priced professionally designed font for use only once or twice.
Aside from downloadable free fonts, there are numerous fonts that are available by default on all modern computers. Microsoft bundles a set of commonly used fonts with their Windows operating systems, as does Apple with OS X and many of the purveyors of Linux distros.
However, for more unique fonts, downloadable is the only way to go. Some of the most popular sites for free downloadable fonts include the following:
1001 Free Fonts, a site that offers far more than 1001 fonts, is currently one of the most popular sites for people looking to download free fonts. They offer fonts for both Windows and Mac OS X operating systems.
Dafont, a site that has grown in the past few years is now one of the largest destinations for free fonts. They seem to update more quickly than other sites, offer comments for each of their...