Have you ever screamed at the television or radio? These days, Americans have plenty to be outraged about… and if youve ever asked yourself the above question, youre definitely not alone. The question is: what are we going to do about it?
Ive noticed a lot of disturbing trends in our country today, and it leads me to believe the United States we know is disappearingand might not survive the next few decades. Consider this:
The war in Iraq has cost us far more than money. In addition to billions of American dollars, weve lost troops, stable gas prices, and respect in the eyes of the world.
Political correctness is no longer a plea for equality. Instead, it has become a tool for the greedy to gain more money, more influence, and more powerand our court system constantly condones this farce.
We are creating a generation of losers with the current view that children are all winners. We are failing our kids by refusing to teach them how to lose.
Violent crimes and frivolous lawsuits have never been more prevalent than they are today. We are becoming a nation of selfish, ego-centric backbiters with nothing better to do than attack each...