I was once told it is not how much you make it is how much you spend this is as true today as it was 30 some years ago when I first heard it. So how does one not spend so much? Well the first thing you need to do is find out exactly were all the money is going. In order to do this take the thirty day challenge, write down every purchase from gas to a candy bar at your local convenience store be sure to include that quick drive through for a designer coffee.
Start by making a chart start at the top by writing your salary and any additional income that you may receive such as alimony or child support only include regular types of income. Then itemize your expenses start with reoccurring monthly charges such as electricity, heat and property taxes ect. Then itemize your other expenses like gas for your car, food and other household items.
After the first thirty days you will get a good idea on where your money is actually going, you can then evaluate each category and ask yourself do we really need this. You will be surprised at the amount of money some categories eat up. Believe it or not when most people take the 30 day challenge they actually find they spend more...