Have you wonder what makes Pattaya city so popular among tourists. You might not have an idea if you never been there, but for some people who have visited this city for quite few times may be able to give very correct answer. What different between hotel and resort accommodation?
In fact in terms of the meaning and usage they are not much different, that is, they refers to the accommodation for tourist for travelers but resort may have additional characteristics of having beautiful garden or open-air public are available for guests to be able to enjoy with natural environment.
But for normal hotel accommodation, this could means the building of the hotel in the city area were has no garden or green space available for its guest or provide just a little one. Also resort accommodation could refers to the accommodation that located in mountain or woods where tourists or travelers can fully enjoy the environment. According to this reason travelers tend to prefer to look for resort accommodation rather than building hotel. If they are not required to join business trip and have to stay in city central area.
Pattaya is the small lovely city on eastern region of...