The question of when to buy a car is simple when you need one. There is no better determinant then your own personal needs. By then you have probably researched everything from interest rates to insurance costs and know all the current pricing information. You may also have had time to save some money for a considerable down payment. Deciding to purchase a car is ultimately up to you, but always be sure to do your homework. There is nothing worse then being stuck with an unwanted car because of an impulse purchase.
On the other hand, the question of where to buy is a little more complex. Once youve decided to purchase a car, the next decision of where to shop can be just as hard as choosing the model and color of the car. In fact, it is even suggested that you consider the car dealership just as thoroughly as you would the car you want to buy. Buying a car is already extremely stressful so dont make the experience worse by choosing a bad dealer. Use the following criteria when selecting a dealer and youll be on your way to a smooth ride.
The dealerships reputation is one of the most important things to consider because in more cases than...