The best low interest credit card is one that charges a low interest rate and does not have any hidden costs. Very often, card users tend to be indiscriminate with their cards during the introductory period and are in for a shock when the rates jump at the end of the period. A low interest credit card should continue to function at a low interest rate even after the introductory period is over. Therefore, while going for a low rate credit card, one should not get too enamored by the introductory offer but should also read the fine print.
By transferring balances to a low interest credit card, credit card users can save money, particularly those who are in the habit of carrying balances forward every month. One should confirm that along with the low balance transfer rate, the balance transfer fee too is not high. Credit card companies are not above trying to make up for the low rate charged by hiking the transfer fee. However, there are low rate credit cards that will altogether waive the balance transfer fee and offer a low balance transfer rate for as long as the balance lasts. Low interest credit cards are therefore a good way of settling credit card debts. This is...