Which puzzle gives your brain or your kid’s brain the best workout ?
SUDOKU, a seemingly simple numbers game that hails from Japan,
has become the biggest and most addictive puzzle craze on the internet, newspaper, magazines, classrooms and even the mobile phones.
So how good is Sudoku?
The rules are simple, but the game is far from simplistic. An advanced Sudoku could have you scratching your head all day before finally giving up.
But is it the ultimate mind workout, as many believe – or are there better ways to boost your brainpower?
So what Exactly Is SUDOKU All About ?
Sudoku is a mathematical puzzle in a very basic and elementary sense. A solver repeatedly counts and subtracts (working out what is missing from row, column or box) and calculates.
The assertion that ‘there is no maths involved’ is not only irritating, it is a little ridiculous.
If there is a three there, there can’t be a three there, or there, but there could be one there ” or there. Or it could be a five.
That sentence would have meant nothing a year ago, but since then, to millions of newspaper...