If you are worried about getting a credit card or have a credit card and it is not working out for you, then maybe you should look at some of the alternatives on offer. There are a growing number of card alternatives to credit cards, some of which may be a better option for you.
Why look at alternatives?
There are plenty of reasons why looking at credit card alternatives are a good idea. Although credit cards have their uses, they also have many dangers and problems. Credit cards tempt you to spend more than you can afford, and then the high interest rates mean your debt increases quickly.
Credit cards can also be difficult to get if you have poor credit or you are young and have never borrowed before. Therefore, it pays to look at the alternative card options.
Charge cards
Charge cards are the most popular alternative to credit cards. Although many people believe that cards like Diners Club and American Express are credit cards, they are in fact charge cards. Charge cards are similar to credit cards apart from the fact you have to pay the balance off in full before a set time period expires. This is useful for people who know they can pay...