Who Else Wants Coupons To Go Tanning For Free?
Coupons have been around since at least 1894 when Asa Candler, a drugist, passed out slips of paper for a free glass of his brand new drink, Coca-Cola. Today, the enlightened consumer knows the value of using coupons to save money and to enjoy being able to partake of services that may well have been unobtainable absent the coupon. With the growth of the Internet, many now seek their printable coupons from the world wide web.
Savvy Businesses use coupons to attract new customers. Tanning Salon owners are truly people oriented and fully understand the need to keep their customer base pleased with high quality
friendly service and a near hospital standard of sanitation in the salon. They also know they must market their tanning salon to garner new clientele.
The big question for most business owners is: “Where do I get the biggest bang for my marketing buck?”
One means to analyze alternatives to ascertain just where the biggest bang comes from is to cost out the marketing plan for various media. For the coupons to go tanning for free one might look at print media such as newspapers,...