Azrael, also know as Izail, is one of four Archangels in the Islamic tradition. Azrael is the Angel of Death who forever writing in a large book and forever erasing what he writes: what he writes is the birth of man, what he erases is the name of the man at death.” He records the names of each human and then erases them at the time of their death. The book is that of the living and since each person dies and a century is short when compared to the history of the world it appears as though Azrael is continuously writing and erasing names.
It is believed that Azrael is a gigantic angel that is so large that one foot rests in either the forth or seventh heaven and the other on the bridge that runs between heaven and hell. Christians assume that the angels are all human like creatures with soft features and beautiful wings. This is not always true. Despite Azraels size he also has four faces and four thousand wings. His entire body consists of eyes and tongues. Each eye and each tongue corresponds to the amount of people living on the Earth.
Azrael also has a personality that may astound people. He is a very patient creature, meticulous in his work, soft in...