During the past thirty years, much has been (rightfully) made of Joseph Campbells breakthrough research in cultural anthropology, most famously published in The Hero With A Thousand Faces. In this book, Campbell examines the many cultural expressions of the heroic role model, and in doing so helped to establish the universality of human hopes, dreams, and lives.
Hollywood, in particular, has embraced this vision, which powers dozens of films a year, and has become clichd wisdom in development executive suites all over Southern California. Of course, the question of the nature of heroes enters other arenas as well. In the political arena, shaping doctrine around strong leader figures is one way to promote ideas to the public. Heroic firefighters and soldiers appear in ads for one party or another, and our elected officials trumpet their military serviceor are criticized for their lack thereof, or are called cowards or even traitors if they disagree with the plans or opinions of an opponent.
Whether one wishes to understand the Heros Journey as a tool for fiction, or desires to rise above the rhetoric a bit, its useful to define just exactly what a hero is. This...