These unskilled people can start a home business, where these failure tasks are done on their behalf by professional people. the company would:
– Advertise in their behalf
– do the follow up for them
– Talk, on their behalf with interested people
– close sales for them
And all would be done, by professional staff.
Is this a dream? Until now, it was, but know is a reality.
The company’s founder and CEO is Bill Osterhout, a former fortune 500 company executive. Bill has been successfully involved in numerous business ventures since leaving his corporate position, including several online income opportunities.
Unfortunately, Bill found that while he had the skills and motivation to succeed, the vast majority of others striking off on their own to build their online fortunes failed. What appeared to Bill to be the point of failure was prospecting and marketing. Finding the time, will and determination to talk to massive amounts of strangers to find the
chosen few “qualified” buyers drives many individuals to failure. Correctly marketing a product or service to ensure it is received...