Why Adding Pictures Increases Ebay Bid Response.

| Total Words: 502

Buyers really like pictures. The more pictures you have, the more theyll feel like buying their item from you, and not from your competitor. In fact, there are plenty of buyers who will literally leave your auction within 5 seconds of arriving if they dont find a picture there waiting for them.

A little extra work on photography can pay off massively, especially if youre working on slim profit margins. But why is it so effective?

It shows youre serious. Sellers who take the time to take good pictures and present them carefully are surely more likely to go to the trouble of providing good customer service, and buyers know this, at least on a subconscious level. If you cant even be bothered to take a photo and upload it to eBay, are you really going to pack their item properly? Are you going to post it on time?

It makes them trust you. Your buyers will feel more comfortable that you actually have the item if they can see that you have your own photo of it. It also reassures the buyers that your item isnt a beaten up and broken piece of rubbish.

It makes your auction stand out. When your picture is displayed on the search results screen, people can see...

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