Have you ever had sore nipples that constantly itch irritatingly? No, please do not ever think of getting the scissors to snip off those nipples! Allegorically, if you really feel like doing this already, read on, you may have nipples with thrush.
Usually, the main culprit in skin itchiness is insect bite. Mosquito bites usually do not last long and could be easily remedied by calamine lotions. If you have innocently treated your nipples like you do with insect bits, chances are you will not get any result. If it is thrush (fungi), it will be quite stubborn because it will last for weeks, and if untreated, it could go for a year.
Fungal infections in the skin can healed by over the counter topical creams applied liberally as indicated by the leaflet of the drug. If the right cream is used constantly and religiously, there is no way a fungi can continue growing in the skin.
In case of the nipple, lactating mothers are prone to it because lactation keeps the nipple moist, and that amount of dampness triggers growth of fungi. This also goes along with the drug treatment the mother is using which can weaken the body from fighting the overgrowth of yeasts all...