Why Changing Out Your Light Bulbs Is A Smart Move
Whether you are motivated by money or concern about global warming, changing out your light bulbs and fixtures can make a huge difference on both fronts.
Why Changing Out Your Light Bulbs Is A Smart Move
I was driving down the 405 freeway in Los Angeles one day past Long Beach. If you have made the drive, you know much of it occurs at speeds of about 5 miles an hour given the traffic. As I inched along, I slowly passed the local gasoline refinery. I tisked my head thinking of all the harm coming from the massive pollutants. Of course, I was driving a car, but why look in the mirror?
Upon arriving home, I did what every American does. I flipped on the television and started channel surfing. Settling on a home improvement show, I was surprised to hear a lengthy desertion on light bulbs and light fixtures. Considering the fact I had about 8 lights on at the time, I paid a bit more attention and learned some interesting things.
The lighting in our homes is a massive energy waster. Because we receive the electricity from petroleum fueled power plants, this energy waste also contributes to the...