Why Choosing The Right SEO Firm Is Crucial To Business Website Success
Choosing the right search engine optimisation (SEO) firm and online marketing company is the most important phase in your business website’s existence. It is important to align yourself with a company that are good at selling products and services online in order to ensure you reap the benefits that SEO can truly deliver. Using in house SEO staff is often flawed so when a business makes the decision to choose an external source for their online marketing solution then I always encourage the company to do a lot of research on the potential firms.
As search engine optimisation (SEO) requires expertise the first thing I suggest is searching on Google for “SEO” and “Online Marketing” in your regional index and taking note of the top 5 companies for each search result set. Compare them. Then make a list of the companies that are repeated. The reason I suggest searching on Google is that
– Google holds over 85% of the search market in Australia. I am not sure on other regional areas in the World but as far as I am concerned Google dominate and they...