Why Credit Bureaus Are Ripping You OffAnd How to Beat Them
When you pay your credit card bills, your loan balance, or your medical bills, this information is recorded and sent to credit reporting agencies, or credit bureaus. It is their job to keep track of your credit history and other information about your life, such as where you have lived, where you work, your marital status, and any legal action taken against you. Today, thanks to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you have the right to know what is on your credit report.
There are three main credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union. Each agency has a slightly different report on you because not every credit card company, retail store, or hospital reports your payment history to the same agency. This can be a tricky part of managing your finances, so its important to know about three areas where you might get ripped off.
1. Charging for credit reports
The FCRA has established a yearly rule about free credit reports. You are eligible for a free report from any and all of the three major credit bureaus every twelve months. However, if you go directly to the agency, you may be charged...