One of the biggest challenges to the data storage community is how to effectively store data without taking the exact same data and storing again and again in different locations on the same servers, hard drives, tape libraries etc. There have been many attempts to address these redundancie some more successful than others. There has been an attitude in the data storage cmmuninty that as we saw significant price reductins the cost of many data storage options that data storage savings was an exercise whose time had passed. With the regulatory enviorment becming more stringent, the volume of saved data again begain to explode and more and more options began to be considered to address data storage concerns.
The latest answer offered by the data storage field is the technology known as data deduplication. Also known as “single-instance storage” and “intelligent compression”this advanced data storage method takes a piece of data and stores it once. It then refers to this data as often as it is asked by a pointer (or pointers) that replaces the entire string of data. These pointers then refer back to the original string of data. This is especially...