Excellent question! There are many reasons why people fail when trying to start working from home. As a Work At Home website directory owner I have tried my best to understand this very important question over the past couple of years.
Here is what I have discovered:
* People more times than not get scammed by jumping into the first program that offers them the most for the least amount of effort.
* Many times the same people will join a program when they do not have the skill sets to do the work required of them.
* In some cases people will join programs whereby they do not feel comfortable doing what is required of them.
* In most cases people search the Internet for fast income doing no upfront research, which in my opinion is the kiss of death.
* In some cases people will join good programs, only to later call them scams, when they are not willing to neither try nor do the work required to get paid.
* Some people will get into a viable work from home program, but do not exercise the patience while performing the work to get paid. They quit just before the start having success.
* Many times people think that it has to...