Each year some or other new phenomena emerge. Lately, the term Search Engine Optimisation, better known as SEO, has been doing the rounds. Now firstly, you probably want to know what exactly SEO is.
SEO basically comes down to your website being modified and promoted in order for you to rank higher and higher in the Search Engines. And of course, once you rank higher in the search engines, you will get more visitors to your website!
Now the major question is, why do you need SEO? Why is everyone going on about how important it is?
I will make this a tad easier by explaining why you need SEOvia an easy example.
Recently South African television has been running an advert for Yogi Sip, a very yummy yogurt milky type of drink.
The advert starts where two men are standing in a huge crowd of people. They are looking for a bunch of their other friends, but now the question is how will they get the attention of their friends or find out where they are.
The one guy looks up and theres this balloon thing in the air with a video camera on it- taking footage of the crowd and showing it on the big screen. The guy takes a mouthful of the Yogi Sip...