Why Do Your Customers Complain and What Can You Do About It?
As the Internet becomes an increasing part of our lives there are a growing number of web sites which are run for dissatisfied customers to publicly air their complaints about bad service. See your name posted on these sites or get contacted by them and you know you have a problem!
How can you prevent your business from becoming feature of the week? Of all the skills small business owners need these days, the one least practiced is the ability to step back and look at your business from the customers perspective.
Having an effective complaint handling process is important but that is the equivalent of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted its too late, your customer has already suffered.
Its more effective to know what your customers could potentially complaint about and put it right before it happens.
So what are the common reasons for customer complaints? Mark Bradley of Customer Service Network (www.customernet.com), which facilitates in benchmarking, improving processes and implementing improvements to help reduce customer complaints, says,
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