Whether youre a professional magazine writer with decades of experience or a not-yet-published freelancer, you are bound to get rejection notes. Editors dont always explain clearly why theyre saying no. Some reasons have nothing to do with you and others have everything to do with you, while many other reasons rank between those two extremes.
To succeed as a freelance magazine writer, you must do your best to optimize the factors within your control. Then accept the rejections that occur despite your efforts, as an inevitable part of the business. Use this list of 10 common reasons for rejection as a tool for crafting article queries that make it hard for editors to respond in any other way than yes!
1. We already did this topic. When a magazine has its archives posted online, you should try to make sure this objection isnt the case. However, sometimes you couldnt possibly know that your topic is already assigned to another writer or already set to appear in a future issue. Your idea being in the pipeline is the quintessential reason for rejection that you cant prevent. Oh well! Just go on to the next idea.
2. Were not ready to redo the topic yet. Many...