Lets face it: this little thing we live called Life can get hectic sometimes. Between the various things we accomplish in one day, it can be hard to keep up with life sometimes. We all could use a little help every once in a while, and thats okay. Franklin Covey and Coupon Cart are here to help you plan for life and save money in every way that you can, so rest easy knowing you can afford the tools to get your life together and on paper.
Franklin Covey is also a great place to get many books and other paper products, all at great prices. You can also get audio versions of many books as well, not to mention binders and even leather briefcases. Coupon Cart is offering savings on shipping, $10 off a purchase of $50, and a discount on briefcases as well.
On the Franklin Covey website you can get information on time management seminars and software, but in the meantime you can start organizing your time from the bottom up, and Franklin Covey can help you along every step of the way. If you need a little bit of reading material, you might want to check out a book that is available through Franklin Covey called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Including time...