Although these days it’s pretty easy to arrange your car insurance online, comparing quotes at the click of a button and paying by credit card for instant cover, one ever present difficulty still remains: the high cost of insurance policies. The fact that having car insurance in place is both a legal requirement and a sensible idea doesn’t detract from the annoyance of having to pay what seems to be an exorbitant sum, and most of us would jump at the chance of reducing the bill.
To do this we need to know what factors insurance companies use when deciding how much our premiums will be.
Perhaps the most important influence on the level of your premium is your own history as a driver. If you’ve a history of having accidents, then naturally you’re a higher risk to the insurer and so they’ll charge you more. Worse, if you’ve been convicted of a motoring offence such as speeding or driving while under the influence, then your insurance will cost you even more – especially if your licence was withdrawn.
On the plus side, a history containing no black marks such as accidents will result in cheaper insurance as you build up...